Sleep Training is a gift for the whole family.
What is Sleep Training?
There are a lot of misconceptions around sleep training. That you care more about your sleep than your child's well being. That you cannot start working towards sleep from birth. That some kids need less sleep. That a breastfed baby cannot sleep through the night until three months. That 5:30 am is a normal wake up time. That a three year old will not nap. I am here to bust these and many more myths around sleep training and give you and yours the gift of sleep. The first thing people who I work with tell me is that their babies seem happier. Happier and healthier babies, who are sleeping peacefully with my straight forward, easy to read and follow manuals. Sleep training is truly a gift for the whole family.

My Sweet B’s
This company is a true labor of love. I hope it brings you structure, sleep and happiness for your greatest labor of love, your children, just like it has done for my Sweet B’s.